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Hylo-Comod Lubricant Eye Drops 10Ml

Hylo-Comod Lubricant Eye Drops 10Ml

Used to relieve eye dryness and soreness.

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Product Detail
Eye drops containing sodium hyaluronate

What is the purpose of sodium hyaluronate? 
Sodium hyaluronate eye drops work as artificial tears.
They provide relief for dry eyes.
They are used to treat dryness and soreness in the eyes.
They lubricate, soothe, and moisturize the surface of your eye, making it more comfortable.

How To Use
Wash your hands well before you use the drops.
Remove the cap from the bottle .
Tilt your head back a little and pull the lower lid of your eye downwards to form a pocket.
Hold the bottle upside down near to your eye.
Try not to touch your eye as you do this.
Apply enough pressure to release one drop into your eye. Only use a second drop if the first drop missed going into your eye.
Close your eye for a minute or two, and press gently on the side of your nose where the corner of your eye meets your nose.
This helps to stop the drop from draining away and keeps it in your eye.
Repeat the process in your other eye if you have been told to use the drops in both eyes.

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